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StormAudio Owner’s Manual:



Download and install the latest version of Dirac Live from


Detailed Description of Parameters





Legal input


The maximum frequency where speakers can support each other. Above this frequency a regular Dirac Live correction will be applied.

Fsiso is a critical parameter that acts like a crossover frequency in a bass- managed system. The goal is to find the highest Fsiso value for your system that still provides a great result. Lower Fsiso values are more robust but offer less benefit, while higher values provide more benefits but may reveal supporting speakers in the output.

150 Hz

50 to 150 Hz

Group n is supported by

Turns on or off the channels of the group supporting the input channels of the ART group. I. e., the speakers in this group will act to support the this groups main speakers.

The use of this parameter depends on your specific speaker grouping. When adjusting this setting, it's important to consider the F-support High parameter in each group to achieve the desired effect.


On or Off

Support level

Controls the amount of support the speakers in this groups gives to the main speaker.

-1 dB will contribute a minimal amount, -60 dB will contribute a maximal amount.

Support level determines how heavily a speaker is used by the algorithm. To balance speaker usage and avoid distortion, change the support level values according to the position of speakers in the room. This helps in achieving the desired output without overloading specific speakers.

-18 dB

-24 to -1dB

F-support Low

Controls the lowest frequency of the Support Range, where the support speakers in this group will contribute to the selected main speaker group. It has the same value as the low end of the corresponding Support Range slider.

F-support Low defines the lowest frequency at which a speaker can support another speaker. This parameter helps prevent small speakers from overloading with bass they're not designed to handle. Keep in mind that setting this value low doesn't guarantee the speaker will be used at that low frequency.

Detected range

20 Hz to Fsiso

F-support High

Controls the highest frequency of the Support Range, where the support speakers in this group will contribute to the selected main speaker group. It has the same value as the high end of the corresponding Support Range slider.

F-support High sets the highest frequency at which a speaker can support another speaker. For subwoofers, this value acts like a lowpass filter applied to the input signal. For full-range speakers, this parameter can be adjusted based on speaker position to prevent revealing support speakers in the final result.

Detected range

F-support Low to F siso

Comment on Grouping

Active Room Treatment groups are designed to simplify parameter settings for multiple speakers. Group speakers with similar parameters together for easier management.
