Where do I find my Dirac Live local files?

StormAudio - Knowledge Center

Where do I find my Dirac Live local files?

Here’s where to look for Dirac Live files on your computer:

Log Files

Log files include information about how Dirac Live runs on your computer and helps us triangulate where, when, and how something has gone wrong while the program was running.


C:\Users\username\Dirac\logs (%userprofile%\Dirac\logs)


/Users/username/Dirac/logs (~/Dirac/logs)

Crash Dumps

If Dirac Live crashes, a minidump file will be created that contains information about the crash. Dirac Support can use this to triangulate software problems, so it's very useful to send these when you create a support ticket. Below are instructions for finding the crash dumps on your computer from version 3.0.14 onward.





Project Files

These are the filter design project files that Dirac Live uses for storing information about your listening environment and desired adjustments. You can reopen a saved project by using the project files. We use these to determine if something is out of the ordinary about your listening or recording setup.





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