Download the system log files

StormAudio - Knowledge Center

Download the system log files

How to download the system logs of your ISP to send it to our support team. Logs can be useful to investigate a problem or understand a misuse. It is helpful to attach them to any support ticket.

Logs are deleted after a restart in deepstandby or from cold (no power at the IEC plug). If you need them, be sure to download them before restarting the ISP.


Your ISP must be powered ON, up-to-date and connected to your LAN.

Your computer muse be connected to the same LAN.

You need to access the Expert or Installer WebUI.


  1. Enter the System page of the WebUI.

  2. Download the logs by clicking on the “Download” button facing Logs on the left of the WebUI:

  3. A .7z archive will be downloaded on your computer. It is intended to our support team and is password protected. You can attach them to a support ticket.


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